Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Episode 55 notes...

Fresh copies of episode 55 out now! Get 'em while they last! Wait, actually my server is stalling on that. Well, it should be out soon, anyway.

SALTIERS saltire (a heraldic design)
SAUCIERS a chef who specializes in sauces
EMPTIERS one that empties
BUSTIERS a woman's undergarment
FANCIERS one that fancies
GLAZIERS one that glazes GLAZY (G)LAZILY
JOLLIERS one who puts others in good humor

OVERDARE to become too daring (OVERDEAR)
OUTDARE to surpass in daring (OUTREAD, READOUT)

SANTOUR a persian dulcimer
SANTIR (instar, strain, trains)

BORZOI  a russian hound

DIASTER a stage in mitosis
DIASTEREOMER  either of a pair of stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other
BASTARDIES the state or condition of being a bastard

mAGMA eng (phoenetic symbol)
aGAMAy a pasture grass AGAMA a tropical lizard GAMAY a red grape

BIOMETER an instrument for measuring the amount of carbon dioxide given off by an organism, tissue, etc

oEDEMATA  plural of edema (effusion of serous fluid into tissue spaces or into body cavities)
IGNITRON  a cathode-arc vacuum tube

NONISSUE = UNSONSIE (unlucky) no S unsonsy SONSIER but not UNSONSIER*

1 comment:

scrabblepodcast said...

How did I miss FURRIER(S)? oops.