Monday, August 16, 2010

7 more things I learned at club this week, and a rules question.

1. It feels good to go 4-0. I don't usually get to stay for more than 2 games.
2. I apparently have a reputation for not playing phonies. Not sure if this is a good or bad thing. (I still drew challenges on FURZY, ONERY, and RESITING, though.)
3. FORM takes and E hook. FORME also takes an E hook. FORMEE takes no hooks.
4. Double check what the blanks are before deciding you have no play. I held an X in my hand and passed for the last three turns because I thought a blank above a DWS was an 'I' instead of an 'E'. I could have played it for 36 points and instead my opponent racked up 50+ points including my X. Luckily I was up 130!
5. LOWBORN doesn't take an S (I wasn't 100% and didn't play it, luckily)
6. NICE has only one 4 letter front extension.
7. LEU only takes a D back hook.

Ok, here's the rules question: I play TODD(Y). Several turns later, opponent exchanges, and a few turns after that, on my turn, I notice that the T is missing from TODDY! Opponent says she may have taken the T somehow during her exchange but neither of us is sure. Both of us have played a T between the exchange and the current turn. Club is pretty laid back, so the club director suggests we leave the board as it is, even though ODDY* is now on the board. I end up making a play on that turn that puts another T on top of it, giving me more points than I would have otherwise gained. Seems kind of unfair, but on the other hand, I did discover that the tile was missing, (and I suspect that my opponent in fact did accidentally pick the tile up.) Anyone know the proper ruling on this? I don't want to post it to cgp if I don't have to.

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