Sunday, April 6, 2008


n. pl. -TRA the indentation between the upper lip and the mouth

OK, a bit of a story behind this one.. Whenever my son Zeke gets a runny nose, the area below his nose gets all red and chapped and requires nightly applications of Vaseline (or 'gasoline, as he calls it). So this morning when I noticed the redness was gone, I said 'Zeke, your lip isn't red anymore', he said 'Dad, that's not my lip'. I acknowledged that he was right, and we decided to use the power of the almighty internet to look it up. Voile. PHILTRUM.

And no, this isn't a picture of my son.

Another word of interest that I have read in passing in the scrabble dictionary is PHILTER, (alt. spelling PHILTRE), which means 'to put under the spell of a love potion.

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