Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Uh, yeah, I'm on twitter.

Not sure if I'll do much with it, but you can follow @scrabblepodcast if you'd like to find out.

Interestingly, 'TWITTERY' is defined as 'nervously agitated' on Zyzzyva.

Monday, September 26, 2011

1-0 Club night

I know, it's kind of lame that I only play one game at my local club, but until my bosses figure out how to let me work less than twelve hours on a Monday, one game is all that's happening. And unfortunately, it's a rushed game, because I'm doing it on a late evening 'lunch break'.
Here are the things I missed that I should still have spotted if I was in a rush:
1. from a rack of AEILNRZ, playing things like ZEIN or ZE(B)RA for 50+ points, rather than L(E)Z for 32.
2. remembering the anagrams of RATANIES that have the R near the end. I rattled them off once I was home, but blanked during the game.
3. NOVENaE is good, NONEVEn* isn't. And if you aren't 100% sure, you should just play something for less points that's enough to still win the game.
I did luck out though, in that my opponent didn't see their out play, plus they tried to put an S on SIERRAN, which I challenged off. Though I deserved to lose the game given my ending phony bingo play.

Monday, September 19, 2011

0-1 Club tonight

Played a pretty horrible game at club tonight- follow along here.
I tried to figure out what my worst mistakes were, but will gladly take any of your input- for example, does anyone have a 'don't fish more than x number of times' rule? It's tough when you have almost-good racks that don't score.
If you don't want to trudge through it, skip to this turn for a fun 'find the possible bingo' quiz. I'll leave what I think are the answers later.
I also didn't mention in the notes that I learned that RUDERY takes a front hook. (as does RUDERIES)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Less posts...

Hey there readers, you may have noticed that I've been posting less here on the blog. Well, that's because often I don't have the time to sit down and type out a well-thought-out, provocative post, like this one. Well, fear not! I've been posting much more often (in a still just slightly less-thought-out, provocative manner) on the

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