Friday, November 7, 2008

Episode 34 notes

Thanks for listening! These are show notes to The Weekly Scrabbler, in case you've stumbled across the site.

LIMNING to depict by painting or drawing
LIMNETIC/LIMNIC pertaining to the open water of a lake or pond

MOGGING to move away

NURLING to KNURL (K front hook) to make grooves or ridges in

MIRZA a persian title of honor

MONGO MONGOE MUNGO(S)(ES) a low quality wool

WIRRA used to express sorrow

BATTU BATT a sheet of cotton BATTU pertaining to a ballet movement (no s)
CENTU/ CENTAI pl of CENTAS monetary unit of lithuania
CORNU hornlike bone formation CORNUA pl. CORNUAL
FONDU a dish of melted cheese
HAIKU HAIK an outer garment worn by arabs
PAREU a polynesian garment
TENDU an asian ebony tree
VERTU VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts

CILICES a coarse cloth
PEMPHIX a skin disease

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