Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ten Fours

Still slowly going through the fours- here are the first ten that popped up that I either didn't know at all, or wasn't sure of:

PISO the Philippine peso (also POIS)

MUGG to make funny faces (knew MIGG, not this one)

UNDE wavy (an adjective, doesn't take an S- also DUNE, NUDE)

DORP a village (DROP, PROD. this one doesn't even look familiar)

BUTE a drug for treating arthritis (back hook of O, also TUBE)

SIDH a hill inhabited by supernatural beings in Irish folklore (sounds like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. takes an E, not an S, also DISH)

SKAT a card game (can't believe I didn't know KAT took a front S hook. also- KATS, TASK)

POME a fleshy fruit with a core (what, an abbreviation for pomegranate? ok. also, MOPE, POEM)

CYME a flower cluster (think I knew this but haven't seen it in a long time)

MONY many (adjective, no S)




Roger Owen Green said...

just FYI - pomme in French is apple. But pomme de terre is potato and pommes frites are French fries.

SNACK said...

i knew mig but now i guess i know migg too

Saloma Miller Furlong said...

I knew piso, mugg (but not migg), dorp (found this while playing Dictionary once upon a time), skat, pome, and cyme. The rest are new to me -- thanks!

Found several while reading a book lately -- dhole (holed), phut, karst (karts, stark).

So glad you sent me the link to your blog!