Tuesday, March 22, 2011

J is for JEFE

OK, I'm not going to make this post very long today-
but I chose the title because JEFE was one of the first 'non-normal' J words I learned for scrabble, since my first name is Jeff. I'm always on the hunt for new words, and one of the easiest ways to find them is to use someone's first name and figure out what scrabble words it's closest to, or if that doesn't work, what scrabble words you can make from it with a blank or two.
So go ahead, leave your first name in your comment and I'll try and find the most interesting scrabble word that I can derive from your name.


photowannabe said...

Very clever post Jeff.
My first name is Sue.

J.Rylie.C said...

Very interesting J .

Please come and meet the J's in my Family, hope to see you around, thanks!

Roger Owen Green said...

OK, what can you do with ROGER, or EGORR. Is GORER a word?
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Hazel said...

Aha... JEFE! guess my mother doesn't know that. *wicked smile* She always beats me in scrabble. I'm now imagining her 'JEFE' reaction. This was a fun J post. Hi Jeff, Hazel here :-)

scrabblepodcast said...

sue- Hmm, you probably realize that SUE is good. I'd go with COUNTERSUE or SUETY.

roger- that's funny, I played a game recently where I either tried GORER* or thought about it. (It's not good.) so I added ROGER to my cardbox. PROGERIA is the best I can do. Don't think you'll like the definition though ;)

scrabblepodcast said...

Oooh, HAZEL, now there's a good scrabble word. HAZELHEN it is.

Tumblewords: said...

I'll accept your word for photowannabe since we share the same name...:) Always a fun clue here - thanks!

MERYL JAFFE, PhD - parent, psychologist, teacher, author... said...

Cool post. I love playing Scrabble and did not know about JEFE. What can you do with Meryl?


scrabblepodcast said...

Not much, Meryl ;)

MERLE is a blackbird; that's the best I can find. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Love it!
Since my son and I now do Wednesday's together, his name is Tadley.

Shady Gardener said...

Shady? Dashy is how I act when Spring arrives! ;-)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

unique take..
Thanks for sharing...

scrabblepodcast said...

@Suzi, TADLEY + P = ADEPTLY, thought you'd get a kick out of that one.

alphawoman said...

Have you played word drop? it's addictive. And I am the world's worst speller..lol.